Kasturi September 2, 2023

Mint itself is a natural refreshing source for our body. So today we are going to take a look for a very refreshing drink which is made from mint leaves and that is ?Minty iced tea?. Generally, people knows it as a hot-weather drink. This recipe is very easy to make. Basically, it is prepared with mint leaves, black tea, sugar and water. Chill out your summer season with this amazing drink.
Preparation Time: 15 Minutes
Cooking Time: 15-20 Minutes
Servings: 2-4 Persons
Minty Iced Tea recipe by rasoi menu


– 2 tablespoons black tea or loose green tea
– ? cup sugar
– 2 cups fresh mint leaves
– 2-4 lime slices
– 1 liter water

How To Make?

1. In a pan, bring the water to boil.
2. In a large teapot, add the tea, sugar and mint. Reserving 2-4 springs of the mint.
3. Fill this teapot with the boiling water and let it steep until cool.
4. Now, place a spring for reserved mint in each glass and fill these glasses with ice and pour in the tea through a strainer.
5. Garnish each glass with a slice of lime.