Pani puri or golgappa is a famous street food snack of India. You can find Pani Puri everywhere on the Indian Streets. It’s very easy to make healthy and tasty Pani Puri at home. You can make the puris at home or can bring readymade puris and use it. Enjoy this healthy pani puri recipe by making it in just few easy steps.
– 300 gm semolina (rava)
– 100 gm potatoes
– 100 gm Bengal gram
– 100 gm chopped mint leaves (fudina)
– 50 gm tamarind
– 2 finely chopped green chilies
– Oil
– Salt to taste
– 1 cup khajur imli ki chutney
How To Make?
To Make Puri
1. Take bowl and add semolina, salt to it and add some water and make tough dough from it and kneed it well and keep it aside for 1 hour.
2. Now, make a small rolls from the dough and make a small puris from it.
3. Put this puri on the wet cloth and cover it by another wet cloth and keep it as it is for 5-10 minutes.
4. Now, heat the oil in the frying pan and deep fry the puri at a MEDIUM flame until they puff up are becomes crispy and golden brown.
5. Remove and drain it on the absorbent paper and store it in an air-tight container.
To Make Pani
1. In a blender add green chilies, meant leaves, tamarind water and grind to a fine chutney.
2. Remove the green chutney in a pot and add 3-4 cups of water and mix it well. Add some ice cubes to it to make it chilled.
To Assemble Pani Puri
1. Soak the Bengal gram for the overnight and on the next day boil it for 1 hour.
2. Also, boil the potatoes and then make a small pieces of the potatoes.
3. Mix the boiled potatoes and Bengal grams in a bowl. And add red chili powder, salt and mix it well.
4. Now, crack the top of the puri with your thumb.
5. Add 1 tablespoon of the boiled potato- gram filling into the puri.
6. Stir the pani into the filled puri and serve the pani puri immediately with khjur-imli chitney.
Preparation Time: 25 Minutes
Cooking Time: 15 Minutes