Halwai September 8, 2024


• 1 kg. fresh big or small Amla (gooseberry)
• 1/4 cup – salt


  1. Wipe gooseberries clean on a dry kitchen towel.
  2. Cut them into thick slices, discarding the stones.
  3. Toss in salt and mix.
  4. Place in a porcelain, china or glass container.
  5. Cover and keep aside for 3-4 hours.
  6. Drain in a colander for 1 hour till all the liquid has drained out.
  7. Sun-dry on a thick clean cloth till the pieces are dry and crisp.
  8. This may take 6 to 8 days in summer and more in winter.
  9. Store in an airtight container. Eat after meals.

Recipe courtesy of Sify Bawarchi