Halwai October 2, 2022


• 1.5 cup – Almonds
• 1.5 cup – Cream
• 1 cup – Milk
• 2 tbsp – Corn flour
• 2 tbsp – Tomato sauce
• 1 cup – Green peas
• 1.5 cup – cauliflower, Carrots and French beans
• 1 onion, cut finely
• 1 Green chilli
• 1 tbsp – ginger, scraped and cut finely
• salt to taste


  1. Soak the almonds in water for 1.5 hour.
  2. Peel the skin and make a fine paste.
  3. Mix the cream, milk, almond paste, corn flour and tomato sauce thoroughly.
  4. Boil the vegetables. Heat butter in a pan, add onion, green chilli and ginger and stir, add the boiled vegetables and stir for 1 minute.
  5. Put in the almond and cream paste and keep stirring on low heat.
  6. When the paste becomes thick, remove from fire.
  7. Serve with roti or parathas.