Kasturi August 4, 2023

Bacon-cheddar deviled eggs is a delicious and different recipe for the egg lovers. The taste of cheddar cheese and bacon fresh taste to these bacon and cheddar deviled eggs. You can prepare this egg recipe for your Easter Sunday brunch.
Preparation Time: 20 Minutes
Cooking Time: 20 Minutes
Servings: 2 Dozens Pieces
Bacon-Cheddar Deviled Eggs Recipe by rasoi menu


– 12 hard boiled eggs
– ? cup mayonnaise
– ? cup sour cream
– ? teaspoon pepper
– 2 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese
– 1 teaspoon mustard
– 1 cup cooked and crumbled bacon
– 4 bacon strips, for garnish

How To Make?

1. Slice eggs in two lengthwise; remove the yolks and set whites aside.
2. In a bowl add egg yolks, sour cream. Mustard, mayonnaise, pepper, bacon and mix them well.
3. Now, Fill this egg yolk mixture into egg whites.
4. Garnish it with bacon and place it into refrigerator till it ready to serve.