Halwai March 29, 2023


• 2 cups – amaranth stems, cut into 1 inch pieces
• 2 cups – amaranth leaves, roughly chopped
• 1 cup – Coconut
• 1/2 cup – Raw Mango slices, cut into 1 inch pieces
• 2 – Green chillies
• 2 – Shallots
• 1/2 tsp – Cumin seeds
• 1/2 tsp -turmeric powder
• 1 spring – Curry leaves
• Salt to taste
• Water as required
• 1 tsp – Coconut oil


  1. Coarsely grind the coconut along with cumin, chillies and shallots for a few seconds and keep aside.
  2. Put the stems in a pan along with turmeric and salt and just enough water to barely cover the stems.
  3. Cover and cook on low heat till the stems are almost done.
  4. Add the mango slices and let it cook till they are done but firm.
  5. Do not let the mangoes turn mushy or you will end up getting a mushy dish.
  6. Add the chopped leaves and cover and cook for a couple of minutes till the leaves are wilted.
  7. Add the ground coconut mixture and curry leaves and stir well.
  8. Let it cook for a minute or two.
  9. Switch off the heat and pour the coconut oil and mix well.
  10. Serve with rice.
  11. Recipe Courtesy: Mareena’s Recipe Collections