Cheesy Salmon Cannelloni is Italian Recipe. It’s really fun to cook these cheesy salmon cannelloni recipe at home. It’s easy to make and tastes delicious. You can take it with green salad.
– 1 large packet cannelloni
– 250 gm ricotta cheese
– 90 gm cheddar cheese
– Salt and pepper to taste
– 2 eggs lightly beaten
– 210 gm red salmon, drained with bones removed
– 2 tablespoons lemon juice
– 2 tablespoons of extra parsley, chopped
– 2 tablespoons of extra cheddar cheese
– 375 gm jar pasta sauce
How To Cook?
1. Combine ricotta cheese, cheddar cheese, salt and pepper, eggs, salmon, salt, lemon juice and mix well.
2. Place spoonfuls of salmon mixture into cannelloni shells until full.
3. Place in single layer in a shallow dish.
4. Pour pasta over cannelloni and smooth over with the back of a spoon to ensure all sections of pasta are covered with sauce.
5. Cook for 14 mints on MEDIUM HIGH flame.
6. Remove dish and sprinkle with extra cheese. Continue cooking on MEDIUM HIGH flame for further 2-4 mints. Allow to stand for 10 mints before serving.
7. Sprinkle chopped parsley and serve hot.
Preparation Time: 45 Minutes
Cooking Time: 60 Minutes
Servings:4 to 6 Person