Halwai December 28, 2022


• 2 cups – Milk
• 2 cups – cooked Rice
• 1/4 cup – cocoa
• 1/2 cup – Sugar
• 1 – Egg
• 1 tsp – vanilla essence


  1. Scald milk in microwave on high for 3 to 5 mins.
  2. Stir in rice and cook for 2 to 4 mins.
  3. Mix cocoa and sugar together and stir into milk and rice.
  4. Cook on medium power for 8 to 10 mins stirring occasionally.
  5. Beat egg. Stir some of the hot mixture into the egg and then return egg to hot mixture.
  6. Cook on medium low power for 10 to 15 mins stirring every few minutes until thickened.
  7. Add vanilla essence. Stir.
  8. Cool and serve.

Recipe courtesy of Ashok Tewary