Kasturi September 28, 2022

Usually to stir fried any recipe is seems easy, but if you can’t fry the food properly, then it look fried from outside, but it’s actually remained quite raw from the inside and sometimes because of over fried it tastes bad.?That’s why it’s essential to take extra care with certain things which require focus for a perfect frying of the food. So what kind of care which you need to take care while frying a food?
Cooking Tips to Make a Healthy Frying
Here I am sharing you some useful kitchen tips for frying a food which will help you with your food. Take a look at these tips and keep in mind when you fry.
– Always first let the oil/ghee boil first, then only fry any food. If the oil/ghee is not becomes hot before frying the food, it left some messy smell on the mess or the food is stuck to the mess. So, ensure that the oil becomes hot before frying the food.
– Once the oil becomes hot well, slow the flame and then, according the recipe, heat the flame as slow, medium or high and fry the food. For example, you need to fry Punjabi samosa at SLOW flame.
– Always keep the fried food on the absorbent paper to soak the extra oil from the food.
– Add some dry coconut into oil while frying; it helps the oil to burn less.
– If you add a piece of bread, the oil is not an outbreak during the frying.
– When you are frying any sweet into oil or ghee, first add 2 pieces of cardamom or nutmeg which removes the smell of the oil from the sweet and your sweets becomes tastier.
– You can also add 1 tablespoon ghee to oil to remove the oily smell from the food.
– While frying, if the oil is making foam, then adds 1-2 piece of tamarind to oil which will reduce the oil foam.
– Ensure that a pot or vessel which you are using for frying is dry; don’t use a mess which is not dry.
– Always use the oil as it required for frying the food. Don’t over use the oil in frying.
– After frying, if the oil remains then to reuse it, first filter it and then use it to make a sabji or to make dough.
I hope these tips will help you in your kitchen while frying the food. Apply these tips in your everyday cooking and make the change.