• 1 cup canned Bake beans
• 2 Tomatoes
• 1 onion, shredded fine
• 1 capsicum, finely chopped
• 1/2 cup cheese
• 1 cup Mexican hot sauce
• 1 tbsp. Butter or oil.
• For rolls: 1 cup Maize flour
• 1 cup plain flour
• Salt to taste
• Oil to deep fry
- To make rolls:
- Mix both flours and salt.
- Knead to a pliable dough.
- Cover and keep for 10 minutes.
- Roll into thin chapatis, 4 wide.
- Prick all over with a fork.
- Keep on a clean kitchen cloth to air out a bit.
- Heat oil for deep frying.
- Let in one chapati at a time, for a few seconds.
- Remove with tongs, roll over rolling pin, to form a cylinder.
- Press edges together gently with a pin, to hold together.
- When cooled, slide it out carefully.
- It should be a pleasant yellow tortilla colour.
- To make the gravy:
- Heat oil in a pan. Add onions, stir fry till tender.
- Add capsicum and further fry for 2-3 minutes.
- Add tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes.
- Add hot sauce.
- Add salt to taste.
- To serve:
- Spread some hot sauce on the surface of the roll.
- Place some Bake beans along its length.
- Roll and place in an oven-proof casserole.
- Pour the prepared gravy over them.
- Sprinkle cheese and bake in hot oven till sauce sizzles.
- Serve hot.
Recipe courtesy of Saroj Kering