Halwai March 23, 2023


• 3 tbsp – gelatin
• 2 cups – cream, whipped
• 1 tin sweetened condensed Milk
• Combine:
• 2.5 cups – Guava nectar and
• 1/2 cup – water (combined)


  1. Pour combined guava nectar and water in a bowl.
  2. Soak gelatine in it. Place bowl over a pan of hot water.
  3. Stir until gelatine dissolves. Leave aside to cool.
  4. Keep aside 4 tbsp. cream for decorating and whip the rest.
  5. Gently combine whipped cream with condensed milk.
  6. Add guava juice and gelatine mixture and mix well.
  7. Pour into ice trays, freeze.
  8. Top with cream and serve.