Abhilasha June 1, 2023

Steamed and fluffy plain Idli preparation

3 cups (600 gm) long grain rice
1 cup (200 gm) urad dal (spilt black gram)
2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
Salt to taste

1. Wash rice and leave overnight to soak well.
2. Wash urad dal and soak with fenugreek seeds and leave overnight.
3. Next day grind rice and dal separately to a fine paste.
4. Now mix well, add salt and keep overnight to ferment in a warm place.
5. Next day batter is ready to use.
6. Grease idli moulds and pour batter into it filling 3/4th of the moulds.
7. Heat water in the idli cooker.
8. Steam cook for about 12-15 minutes over high or until done. Check with knife whether the idlis are done.
9. Let it cool for some time, then scoop out the idlis from the moulds

Cooking time: 30-35 minutes