Halwai September 11, 2022


• 1 packet – frozen spring roll pastry
• 3 tsps – lemongrass, finely chopped
• 1 cup – Spring onions or chives (both if you want)
• 6 tsps – chopped Parsley (flat leaf)
• 2-3 eggs
• Combine the following ingredients in a fry pan:
• 500 g – mince
• 3 tbsps – Peanut oil
• 2 – onions, finely chopped
• 1 tsp – coriander
• 1.5 tsps – ground cumin
• 1 tsp – chilli powder
• 1/2 tsp – ground Turmeric or curry powder (both if you want)
• 2 tsp – salt


  1. Fry the mince mixture until well browned and then add the lemon grass, spring onions, parsley and eggs.
  2. Cut spring roll pastry into four squares. (The pastry is very fine – set fingers a little, but not too much, before handling it.)
  3. Add small amounts of the mince mixture in the centre of each square. Fold into a triangle, sealing the edges with moist fingers.
  4. Deep or shallow fry the triangles till golden brown. (They brown quickly.)
  5. Serve straight away with some sweet chilli sauce.

Recipe courtesy of Sify Bawarchi