Halwai June 16, 2024


• 1/2 cup – split yellow moong lentil (moong dal)
• 5 – large Carrots (cut into 1/2 inch pieces) (yielded about 3 cups of cut Carrots)
• Seasoning
• 1 – serrano green pepper (or Thai or Indian variety Green chillies according to taste) (cut fine)
• 2 – dry Red Chillies (broken into small pieces) ( or according to taste)
• 2 tsp – Coconut oil (or any other oil)
• 1 tsp – Mustard Seeds
• 1 tsp – split black gram lentil (udad dal)
• salt to taste
• optional garnish
• 4 tbsp – grated fresh or frozen Coconut
• handful Cilantro (coriander leaves) cut fine


  1. Wash the split yellow moong lentils in fresh water and drain. Place the moong lentils along with water in a large glass dish in the microwave, cook in one minute intervals, adding water as required. Stir regularly until the lentils were semi-cooked. Add carrots to it, sprinkle a little water, cook in one minute increments until the carrots and moong are both cooked (soft but not mushy).
  2. In a small pan, heat oil. When hot, add mustard seeds to it. When the mustard seeds start to splutter, add split black gram lentil and stir a couple of times.
  3. When the split black gram lentil starts to turn reddish, add the green chillies and red chillies.
  4. When the chillies start to change colour slightly, pour the entire oil + mustard seeds + lentils + chillies on the cooked lentils and carrot. Add salt to the curry and mix well.
  5. Heat this curry for another minute or two for the flavours.
  6. Garnish with grated coconut and cilantro and mix well and serve hot along with rice and dal/ sambhar/ rasam or with roti’s/ chappathis.

Recipe courtesy of Usha