Halwai July 1, 2024


• 4 litres Milk
• 1.25 cups Sugar
• Yellow or Orange colour
• Grated solidified condensed Milk (Mawa)
• Grated Cashew nuts for garnishing


  1. Boil milk in a container. When the milk is about to boil, add 2 tbsps of vinegar/lime juice.
  2. The cream will be separated. Strain it and keep paneer aside.
  3. Prepare a sugar syrup in a container by mixing 1.25 cups of sugar in half cup of water. Then heat in an oven till it becomes a thick syrup.
  4. Mix the grated solidified condensed milk or mawa with freshly prepared paneer and the sugar syrup. Heat the entire mixture till it becomes a thick solidified substance.
  5. Spread the solidified substance evenly on a tray coated with oil and butter paper and keep aside for 5 minutes.
  6. Remove about 1/8th of the mixture in a bowl. Mix well with 2 tsps of food colour (orange/yellow) and keep aside for a while.
  7. Spread the coloured mixture evenly on the white portion in the tray to form two layers.
  8. Sprinkle grated cashew nuts on the evenly spread dough.
  9. Refrigerate for 4 hours.
  10. Remove and cut into pieces.
  11. Recipe courtesy: sweta-chakraborty.blogspot.in/