Halwai July 21, 2022


• 2 to 3 – Carrots (peel, cut finely into fine pieces)
• 10 to 15 – French beans (string, cut into fine pieces)
• 100 g – Green peas (shelled, boiled)
• 5 to 6 – Potatoes (boiled and mashed)
• 3 to 4 pods – Garlic (crushed)
• 2 or 3 – Green chillies (chopped finely)
• 1/2 tsp – Sugar
• 4 slices – bread (for bread crumbs)
• 3 to 4 tbsp – rava
• Juice of one Lemon
• Salt to taste


  1. Boil the carrots, French beans, peas separately. Drain the water.
  2. Add this mixture to the mashed potatoes. Mix well. Add salt to taste.
  3. Add green chillies, garlic, sugar and lemon juice. Mix well.
  4. Add the bread crumbs and mix well.
  5. Shape into patties and roll in rava.
  6. Deep fry till golden. Drain on a paper towel.
  7. Serve hot with green chutney and tomato sauce.

Recipe courtesy of Anita Raheja