Halwai July 5, 2024


• 1 cup- dried green split pea lentils
• 3/4 cup- quick cooking Barley
• 1 red Onion chopped finely
• 2 cups- chopped Carrots
• 3 Celery ribs chopped into little pieces (yields about 1.5 cups)
• 1 tsp- minced Garlic
• 1/2 tsp- paprika
• 1/2 tsp- chilli powder
• 1 tsp- Italian seasoning
• 3 tbsp- extra virgin Olive oil
• salt to taste
• 2 cups – vegetable stock (or water)
• 6 cups – water


  1. Wash and drain the green peas. Then soak the green peas in just enough water to cover it for about 20 mins. Heat the olive oil in a large pan, add the onions and saute until transparent.
  2. Add the minced garlic and saute for a minute.
  3. Add the carrots, celery and saute for a minute.
  4. Add the salt, paprika, chilli powder and saute for a minute.
  5. Add the stock and water. Then add the soaked green peas, barley and simmer for about an hour or until peas and barley are soft and all the vegetables are cooked.
  6. Add the Italian seasoning and simmer for a few mins.
  7. Serve hot. When the green peas are sufficiently cooked, they will dissolve slightly and the soup will thicken.

Recipe courtesy of Usha