Halwai October 18, 2024


• 1 cup – whole meal flour
• 1 cup – whole meal self-rising flour
• 1 cup – Sugar
• 1/2 cup – Sunflower seeds
• 1/2 cup – water
• 350 g – Mixed fruit
• 125 g – margarine
• 2 – eggs
• grated rind
• juice of half a Lemon


  1. In a saucepan, put sugar, margarine and water and stir continuously over gentle heat until sugar is dissolved.
  2. Add dried fruits and allow it to simmer for 3 mins. Remove and cool.
  3. Add in sifted flours including the husks, beaten eggs, sunflower seeds, lemon juice, rind and mix well.
  4. Pour mixture in a well-greased tin and bake in a slow oven at 140 degree C for 1 hour or until cooked.
  5. Allow to cool on wire rack before slicing.