Halwai September 6, 2023


• 1 kg – big and ripe brown boras
• 2 tbsp – each of mustard and anise seeds and shahjeera
• 25g – ginger, sliced into small pieces
• 250g – Sugar
• 3 tbsp – chilli powder
• 2 tbsp – Turmeric powder
• Salt to taste


  1. Put the boras in sun for 2 days.
  2. On the third day, make a slit on one side halfway through.
  3. If you can, take out the inside seeds but be careful not to tear the boras.
  4. Pound mustard, anise seeds and shah jeera coarsely and mix with salt, chilli and turmeric powder.
  5. Stuff the mixture nicely into each bora and set them aside.
  6. Put 1/4 cup water in sugar and prepare a thick syrup mix in the boras and ginger and remove from fire.
  7. Cool and bottle. Eat after 2 days.