Halwai July 24, 2024


• 1/2 liter Milk
• 4 tbsp – Sugar
• 4.5 tsp – cornflour, mixed with 4 tbsp. Milk
• 16 Marie biscuits
• 3 mangoes, peeled, sliced
• 3/4 cup – Cream mixed with 2 tsp – castor Sugar


  1. Heat milk with sugar. Slowly add smooth corn flour mixture.
  2. When mixture is thick, remove and cool.
  3. Crush biscuits and line a pudding bowl with the powder.
  4. Mix a few chopped mango pieces and the dripping mango juice with milk mixture and pour over crumb layer. Freeze.
  5. Cover with chipped cream and decorate with remaining mango slices.
  6. Chill before serving.