Halwai February 24, 2023


• 3 tbsp – sultanas
• 2 cups – basmati
• 25 – whole (unprepared) Peanuts
• 5 – Indian Bay Leaf
• 1.5 inch – Ginger
• 20 – whole Cardamom seeds
• 6 – Cinnamon sticks
• 1/2 tsp – Turmeric
• Sugar to taste
• 1/4 lb – Butter
• Salt to taste


  1. Prepare the whole shelled peanuts by soaking them in hot water for 1/2 hour and then removing the skin.
  2. Crush the cardamom seeds and cinnamon sticks and skin the ginger and chop it into small strips.
  3. Wash the rice and cook in plenty of water with a little turmeric.
  4. After about 20 minutes, drain off the water using a colander.
  5. Melt the butter in another saucepan.
  6. Add the peanuts and heat until they turn a little brown.
  7. Next add the sultanas and heat until they puff up (about 1 minute), then add bay leaves.
  8. Now add ginger and fry till brown and add the crushed cinnamon and cardamom .
  9. Fry the mixture together for a minute.
  10. Take the saucepan off the heat and now add the rice.
  11. Mix well with a wooden spatula.
  12. Finally add salt and sugar to taste and mix.
  13. Recipe Courtesy: http://maneadige.blogspot.com/