Kasturi September 7, 2022

Bread Gulab Jamun, everyone’s loved sweet dessert. So I came up with innovative gulab jamun dish which is also very delicious as like basic gulab jamun. Gulab jamun is common sweet made during festivals or special occasions all over the India.
This gulab jamuns are made from bread and milk powder. And fried balls are soaked in sugar syrup. The spongy, soft and juicy bread gulab jamun, they melt in the mouth. While making these gulab jamuns you have to keep few points in your mind which I have mentioned here in the recipe. If you make this carefully you will get soft and spongy gulab jamuns. So here’s the recipe for bread gulab jamun.


– 1 1/2 cups sugar
– 1 cup milk
– 10 slices bread
– 2 tablespoons milk powder
– A big pinch of saffron strands
– 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
– A pinch of soda bi-carb
– Oil for frying

How To Cook?

To Make Syrup

1. Place sugar with sufficient water and also add saffron strands and cardamom powder. Bring this mixture to boil over MEDIUM flame.
2. When the sugar dissolved completely, remove from the heat and set aside.

To Make Jamun

1. Heat sufficient oil in a deep pan.
2. Meanwhile, take the milk and dip each bread slices and squeeze out the excess milk.
3. Place this into the food processor, add milk powder and soda bi-carb then grind it to a smooth paste.
4. Make equal size of small balls and roll into smooth balls. While rolling it don’t apply pressure and also do not roll them tight.
5. Deep fry these balls in hot oil till golden brown. Drain them and immediately add them to the warm sugar syrup.
6. Cover and let it rest for 2 hours so that the jamuns absorb the sugar syrup well.
7. Enjoy them chilled.

Preparation Time: 10 Minutes
Cooking Time: 20-30 Minutes
Servings: 2-3 Persons