Halwai June 24, 2022


• 6 pieces – sandwich bread
• 1 tbsp – Butter
• 1 – Onion
• 2 – eggs
• 1 – Green chilli
• A little green coriander
• 1 tsp – Red Chilli powder
• 1 tsp – black pepper powder
• salt – to taste


  1. Cut the edges of the bread slices. Spread butter on only one side of the slices and keep aside.
  2. Heat a non-stick pan, and on medium flame, fry the buttered side of the bread slices only and not the other side.
  3. Keep all these slices aside.
  4. Chop onions, coriander, green chillies finely and mix them all well along with red chilli powder and salt.
  5. Beat the eggs well and pour into the onion mixture. Keep aside.
  6. On a non-stick pan, take a little butter and spread .
  7. Now, take a tbsp full of the onion-egg mixture and spread in a square shape or so as to match the shape of the bread slices.
  8. If the pan is big enough, four such spoonful can be spread .
  9. See that the spread is not too thick, and keep the flame on medium.
  10. Now, pat the bread slices each on the egg mixture on the pan with the buttered and toasted side up and press so that it gets stuck to the omelette.
  11. Let it cook for a while and take away from flame.
  12. Cut diagonally and serve hot with tomato ketchup or just like that for breakfast.

Recipe courtesy of Rekha John