Halwai January 10, 2023


• All-purpose Flour(maida) -3 cups
• Butter/Margarine- 1 cup
• Sugar -1 cup
• eggs -3
• Vanilla Essence -1 tsp
• Baking powder -2 tsp


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix flour and baking powder.
  2. Beat eggs well with sugar. Add butter and beat well till fluffy.
  3. Add vanilla essence. Add flour mix. Mix well with hands.
  4. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hrs.
  5. Make two loaves of about 7 x 3 inches. Put it in two baking dish of same size as the loaves or longer.
  6. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes or till a knife inserted comes out clean.
  7. Allow to cool. With a serrated knife, cut into 1/2 inch thick slices.
  8. Reduce oven temperature to 300 degrees. In two baking trays, place the slices and bake for 30-40 minutes or till it becomes brown and crisp.

Recipe courtesy of Tasneem