Halwai April 26, 2023


• 1 cup – Cashew nut powder
• 1/4 cup – pistachios, coarsely chopped
• 1/3 cup – Sugar
• 1/4 tsp – Cardamom powder
• 1/4 cup – Sugar
• 1/4 cup – pista, chopped
• A few strands – Saffron
• A few – sheets of silver foil


  1. Make sugar syrup of 1 string consistency with 1/4 cup sugar
  2. Add pista and cardamom powder, divide into 10 portions.
  3. Similarly make syrup of one string consistency with 1/3 cup sugar, add saffron and cashew nut powder.
  4. Keep it aside for two minutes to cool. Divide into 10 portions.
  5. Stuff the pista mix in the cashew nut mix and roll into a cylindrical shape
  6. Prepare all the remaining rolls similarly and decorate with silver foils.

Recipe courtesy of Madhavi