Halwai May 15, 2023


• 1 cup – tindora
• 1 cup – whole cashews
• 3 tbsp – fresh grated Coconut
• 4 – Curry leaves
• 1/2 tsp – Mustard Seeds
• 2 tsp – oil
• 2 – dry Red Chillies
• 3 sprigs – coriander
• 1/2 tsp – Sugar
• 1/2 tsp – Lime juice
• a pinch – Turmeric
• Salt as per taste


  1. Pressure cook tindora and cashews separately.
  2. Heat oil in kadai, add mustard seeds and when it splutters add curry leaves, turmeric and dry red chillies.
  3. To this, add cooked tindora, cashews, salt, sugar, grated coconut and mix well and remove from fire.
  4. Add lime juice, chopped coriander and serve.
  5. Recipe Courtesy: http://maneadige.blogspot.com/