Kasturi August 31, 2023

Everybody loves chocolate. You can do experiment with chocolate to make different recipes. Today I am going to share another tasty chocolate recipe. Chocolate Lassi recipe is very easy to make it home. Try it yourself.
Preparation Time: 15 Minutes
Cooking Time: No Cooking
Servings: 3 Persons

chocolate lassi recipe


– 2 cup fresh yogurt
– 50 gm grated chocolate
– ? cup sugar
– ? cup ice cubes
– 1 tablespoon drinking chocolate powder

How To Make?

1. In a blender, add yogurt, chocolate and sugar and blend it until it mix well.
2. After that, add ice cubes to the mixture and again grind it.
3. Fill this lassi in to large glass.
4. Sprinkle drinking chocolate powder on the lassi and enjoy the cold chocolate lassi.