Halwai July 22, 2023


• 1/2 kg – lamb chops, washed and patted dry.
• 1 tsp – coriander powder
• 1 tsp – chilli powder
• 1/4 tsp – Turmeric powder
• 1.5 tsp – Garlic paste
• 1.5 tsp – Ginger paste
• 3 – Cloves, powdered fine
• 1/2 inch – cinnamon, powdered fine
• 1 – Cardamom, crushed finely
• 1 – Egg white
• Salt to taste
• Oil for deep-frying


  1. In a pan, mix the chops with the mentioned ingredients, except the egg white and keep to marinate for 3 hours.
  2. Pressure cook the marinated chops without water until tender and keep aside to cool.
  3. If the meat gives out water after pressure cooking, transfer the mixture to a separate bowl and cook until the water is fully absorbed.
  4. Beat the egg white with salt until medium fluffy, care should be taken not to overbeat it.
  5. Heat oil to smoking point and reduce to medium heat, dip the chops in the beaten egg and deep fry until golden brown.
  6. Serve with sliced onions and mint chutney.

Recipe courtesy of G. Harindra Kumar