Halwai January 17, 2023


• 2 cups – shredded Cabbage
• 1 cup – shredded Lettuce
• 1 cup – chopped Spring onion
• 1/4 cup – boiled peas
• 2 – hard boiled eggs, grated
• 2 cups – crushed noodles
• 1 tbsp – Butter
• 3 tbsp – roasted Peanuts
• 3 tbsp – roasted sesame seeds
• 1/2 cup – French dressing


  1. Heat butter in a pan.
  2. Saute noodles till crisp and brown. Remove and cool.
  3. In a bowl, mix cabbage, lettuce, eggs, onions, and peas.
  4. Pour the dressing. Toss it well.
  5. Add 1 cup of noodles and all of the sesame seeds; mix it well.
  6. Garnish it with peanuts and the remaining 1 cup of noodles.
  7. Serve immediately.

Recipe courtesy of Shireen Das