Halwai May 1, 2022


• 1 cup – Milk powder
• 3/4 cup – Sugar
• 75 g – unsalted Butter
• 4 – Cardamoms
• Cashewnuts for garnishing


  1. Keep a heavy based pan on the stove with 3 tbsp water in it. Add sugar and make a syrup of 1 string consistency. Let it simmer.
  2. Add butter and stir the mixture until the butter melts.
  3. Add milk powder and cardamoms and mix well.
  4. When the mixture turns into a thick batter, remove from the heat and keep aside for 1-2 hours. The batter will become thicker.
  5. Make balls of the batter and flatten it like small biscuits.
  6. Garnish with chopped cashewnuts.

Recipe courtesy of Srividya