Halwai July 8, 2023


• 1 kg – fish fillets, steaks of strips
• 4 tbsp – coriander powder
• 1 tsp – salt
• Juice of half a Lemon
• 1 tsp – chilli powder
• For frying:
• Oil for deep frying
• 3 medium sized potatoes, cut into thick chips
• For sauce:
• 3 tbsp – oil
• 4 Cloves
• 4 Black Peppercorns
• 1 large onion, sliced
• 2 tsp – crushed Garlic
• 2 tsp – finely grated Ginger
• 2 tbsp – Tomato puree
• 2 whole Green chillies (optional)
• 400gm peeled, chopped Tomatoes
• 3 tsp – coriander powder
• 1/4 tsp – Turmeric powder
• Chilli powder to taste
• Salt to taste
• Water
• Fresh chopped coriander for garnish


  1. Marinate fish in a thick paste made of coriander powder, salt, lemon juice and chilli powder for at least 40 mins. or overnight for the best result.
  2. Deep fry the fish until golden brown and drain on kitchen paper towels or grill under a hot grill until golden brown.
  3. Deep fry the chopped potatoes until golden brown and drain on kitchen paper towels.
  4. To make the sauce:
  5. Heat oil, add cloves, peppercorns and onion.
  6. When the onion has browned, add the garlic, ginger, tomato puree, green chillies, tomatoes, coriander powder, turmeric powder, chilli powder and salt to taste.
  7. Stir and add drops of water to make the sauce into dropping consistency.
  8. Let the sauce simmer over low heat for 20 mins. and keep stirring frequently.
  9. Lay the fish and potato chips in an ovenproof dish and pour the sauce over.
  10. Garnish with chopped coriander.
  11. Heat through in a moderately hot oven (180 deg C) before serving.