Halwai February 26, 2023


• 1.5 kg – fish
• 2 Onions
• 2 Tomatoes
• 2 eggs
• 2 tbsp – Butter
• 100 gm – cheese
• 4 tbsp – Maida
• 1.5 piece Ginger
• 1.5 tsp – mustard powder
• 2 tsp – Crushed pepper
• 4 Green chillies
• 3 Celery Stalks
• 1 cup – Milk
• a dash of Turmeric powder
• salt to taste.


  1. Clean and wash fish.
  2. Cut and boil with a little salt, chopped tomatoes, onions, green chillies, ginger, turmeric powder and half a cup of water.
  3. When cooked, strain and keep the stock aside.
  4. Shred fish. Make white sauce by melting butter and adding maida.
  5. When it begins to turn light brown, add milk gradually.
  6. Allow it to thicken without any lumps.
  7. Remove from flame and add pepper powder, mustard powder, minced celery and grated cheese.
  8. Stir in the dish stock and add beaten yolks. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and the shredded fish.
  9. Mix gently and pour into a pie dish. Bake at 180 degree C for 15 mins. or until the top is brown.
  10. Brush with a little egg yolk and grated cheese.