Halwai November 1, 2023



  1. Boil the fish fillet in water for 10 mins.
  2. Strain the water when it softens. Keep it aside on absorbent paper to remove excess water.
  3. Heat oil in a pan and saute the onions and tomatoes.
  4. Cook until the vegetables soften.
  5. Add the garlic paste and salt to it.
  6. Saute until the raw smell goes. Now add the fish to the vegetables and mix well.
  7. Keep it aside.
  8. Now prepare dough with the white flour, oil, salt, yeast and water and keep aside for 30 mins.
  9. The yeast will turn the dough fluffy and soft.
  10. Divide the dough into equal small portions.
  11. Roll out small chapattis from each portions.
  12. Add one scoop of the mashed fish and place on the chapatti in the centre.
  13. Fold in from both the sides in a cylindrical shape and close both the ends.
  14. Place the roll on a non-stick frying pan and toast on dry heat (without oil) for 2 mins on both sides. This is to seal the fish well withing the dough case.
  15. Heat oil in a pan and deep fry the baked roll until golden.
  16. Serve hot with onions and ketchup.