Halwai January 15, 2023


• 12 – small Chicken Drumsticks
• 2 tsp – crushed Garlic
• 1 tsp – salt,
• 1/2 tsp – ground black pepper
• 2 tsp – ground cumin
• 2 tsp – ground coriander
• 1/2 tsp – ground Fennel seeds
• 1/2 tsp – ground Cinnamon
• 3 tbsp – oil
• 2 – medium Onions
• finely sliced
• 1/2 cup – Coconut Milk
• 1 cup – water
• 1 tbsp – Lemon juice
• malt Vinegar or Tamarind liquid


  1. Wash chicken on cold water.
  2. Pat it dry with an absorbent paper.
  3. Combine the garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, fennel, cinnamon and 2 tbsp oil.
  4. Rub the mixture thoroughly over the chicken, marinate it for 1 hour in a refrigerator.
  5. Heat remaining oil in a large pan.
  6. Add onion, stir and cook until they turn soft and golden.
  7. Add chicken and cook quickly over medium high heat until it turns brown.
  8. Combine the coconut milk, water and lemon juice.
  9. Pour over chicken, cover and simmer until the chicken becomes tender and the sauce is gets reduced significantly.
  10. It will take about 40 minutes.
  11. Serve it with rice.