Halwai April 30, 2023


• 280 gm – unbleached white bread flour (you can make it whole meal by adding half whole meal and half white flour)
• 1 tsp – dried Yeast
• 100 ml – warm water
• 2 tsp – clear Honey
• 60 ml – plain yogurt
• 1 tbsp – melted Ghee or Butter
• 1 – Garlic Clove finely chopped
• 1 tbsp – finely chopped kale leaves


  1. Mix all the ingredients other than the kale leaves to make it into a smooth dough, knead well in a floured surface.
  2. Keep it in a clean and oiled bowl, cover it with a cling film, leave it in a warm place for about 1 hour or until it becomes double in size.
  3. When dough gets doubled, take the dough and punch the air back, add the finely chopped kale leaves to the dough and mix it well.
  4. Divide the dough into four equal balls , cover and leave in the room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes.
  5. Preheat the oven to the maximum limit.
  6. Take the balls and flatten it with a rolling pin and stretch along one side to make it look like a naan.
  7. Cover it with a cling film and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  8. Place the naan in the hot baking sheet and cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until it gets puffed up.
  9. Turn it on the other side and leave it for a minute.
  10. Remove the baking sheet and place it under the hot grill for a few seconds so that it gets a brownish tinge on top.
  11. Brush the naan with melted ghee or butter.
  12. Recipe Courtesy: Taste of Pearl City

Recipe courtesy of Ayeesha Riaz