Halwai June 21, 2022


• 2 cups – Maida
• 2 tbsp – Ghee
• 1/4 tsp – Baking soda
• 3 cups – Sugar
• Water
• Oil for Deep Frying
• 2 tbsp – Rice flour
• 2 tsp – Melted Ghee
• A few slivered Almonds
• Cardamom powder


  1. Take the maida, ghee, and baking soda in a bowl, slowly add water, knead into a soft dough, cover with a damp cloth and keep aside for 10 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile boil sugar and enough water in a large vessel; stir until it turns into syrup with a one string consistency.
  3. Make a paste with rice flour and ghee, keep aside.
  4. Now roll out the dough like a single large thin chapatti.
  5. Spread the rice flour paste generously over the rolled chapatti and roll it.
  6. Cut and remove the edges.
  7. Cut the roll into small 1-inch pieces.
  8. Heat oil, gently drop the pieces and fry until they turn golden brown.
  9. Remove from oil and transfer immediately into the sugar syrup. Wait for a few minutes and remove the fried kajas from the syrup, sprinkle some cardamom powder over it and put it back into the sugar syrup. Take them out and place on wax paper until they cool completely.
  10. Serve with slivered almonds.
  11. Recipe courtesy: Priya Easy N Tasty Recipes