Halwai September 10, 2022


• 1 cup – Almonds
• 1 tin – sweet condensed Milk
• 1 tin – Milk powder
• 1/2 tsp – Cardamom powder
• 2 tbsp – Ghee
• Milk enough to blend


  1. Soak the almonds in water for 2 hours. Peel the skin.
  2. Blend the almonds with a little milk and grind.
  3. In a microwaveable bowl mix almond paste, condensed milk and milk powder.
  4. Now cook in microwave for 5 mins.
  5. Stir and cook again for 3 to 4 mins.
  6. Now add cardamom powder and mix well.
  7. Spread the mixture on a greased cookie sheet.
  8. Cut into desired shapes.

Recipe courtesy of Heena Patel