Halwai December 4, 2022


• Coconut gratings – 1 cup
• Red Chillies – fried in a little
• Oil – 2-3 (or as per your taste)
• Tamarind paste – 1/2 tsp
• Salt to taste
• Moong, fried without any oil – 3 tsp
• Onion, cut into tiny pieces – 1


  1. Fry the moong until you get a good aroma, keep aside.
  2. Grind ingredients 1 through 4 in a mixie with a little water.
  3. When the mixture is fine, add fried moong and grind the mixie for around 10 seconds. The moong should not be fine.
  4. Remove from the mixie and transfer to a serving bowl.
  5. Now mix the onion pieces thoroughly.
  6. This chutney goes very well with jowar/ bajra roti and also dosas.

Recipe courtesy of Roopa Vernekar