Halwai October 28, 2023


• 1 kg – Onions
• 3 tbsp – Butter
• 1 cup – thick curds
• 1 tsp – salt
• 1 tbsp – chopped Coriander leaves
• 3 eggs
• 1 tsp – chilli powder
• 1 tsp – pepper
• 1 Egg white, slightly beaten
• Pie pastry crust


  1. Chill the pastry crust pie, slice the onions finely and saute in the butter till they are transparent.
  2. Remove from the fire
  3. Blend together the curd, salt, eggs, coriander leaves, chilli powder and pepper and stir this mixture into the onions when they are cool.
  4. Brush the pie pastry with the beaten egg white and pour in the onion mixture.
  5. Bake in a hot oven at 233 degrees C for 10 mins.
  6. Reduce heat to 177 degrees C and bake for another 30 mins.
  7. Makes 4 servings.