Halwai July 10, 2023


• Spinach – 1 lbs
• Tofu – 1 pocket
• Onion – 1 medium size
• Tomato – 1 medium size
• Red Chilli powder – 1/2
• Turmeric – 1 pinch
• Salt to taste
• Cumin seeds – 1 pinch
• Garlic – 2 flakes
• Ginger – 1 small piece
• Oil – 2 tbsp.


  1. Wash the spinach, add garlic-ginger and let it boil for 5-8 mins till soft.
  2. Cool it and then grind to a fine paste along with the tomato.
  3. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds.
  4. When it’s done, quickly add chopped onions and fry them until it turns golden brown.
  5. Add little turmeric powder, chilli powder, salt and then add the spinach-tomato paste.
  6. Add a little water to give it a curry consistency and cook for some time.
  7. Cut tofu into small square pieces and finally add to the above prepared curry.
  8. Let it simmer for a while and serve.

Recipe courtesy of Sandipika