Halwai January 20, 2023


• 1 kg – Sugar
• 40-50 – Almonds
• 1/2 cup – Saunf (aniseed)
• 30 – Cardamom pods
• 1/4 cup – whole Black Peppercorns (Kali Mirch)
• 1 tbsp – khuskhus (poppy seeds)
• 1/2 tsp – rose water (optional)
• 1 tbsp – skinned kharbooj/tarbooj seeds (optional)


  1. Boil sugar with half the quantity of water till the sugar is dissolved. Let it cool.
  2. Clean all the other dry ingredients.
  3. Soak them separately in water for 3-4 hours.
  4. Drain all soaked ingredients.
  5. Peel the almonds.
  6. Blend all the ingredients to a very fine paste (use some of the prepared sugar syrup as a base).
  7. Place a strainer over a vessel and strain the blended liquid till the last drop.
  8. Pour back husk with some more syrup and blend again, strain and repeat till the residue turns dry and husk-like.
  9. Store the thandai concentrate in clean, airtight glass bottles.
  10. To serve: Blend milk, thandai (according to taste) and few ice cubes and serve chilled.

Recipe courtesy of Sify Bawarchi