Halwai September 7, 2024


• Baby Corn – 5 slices or pieces
• Milk – 1 cup
• Onion – 1 medium (chopped)
• Garlic – 1-2 pods
• Salt as per taste
• Pepper powder as per taste
• Mixed vegetables (beans, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower) – 1 small cup
• Butter


  1. Heat butter and fry onions. Grate corn pieces in grater.
  2. In pressure cooker or pressure pan, place the grated corn. Add the fried onions, milk and little water. The corn should be immersed in the milk-water mixture.
  3. Close lid and put on weight or nozzle. Allow to cook for 10-12 mins
  4. Chop mixed vegetables finely to very small pieces.
  5. Heat butter and fry the veg in high flame till slightly crisp and keep aside. This way the nutrients in the vegetables are retained.
  6. When corn is cooked, remove lid, smash the corn well and after it has cooled down. Blend it well, adding water in mixie.
  7. Place the corn mixture in gas in low flame. Add salt, pepper powder and heat till everything blends well. Do not boil the mixture.
  8. Add mixed veg and heat further till everything mixes well.
  9. Garnish with grated cheese and coriander leaves. Serve hot.

Recipe courtesy of Madhu Balu