Halwai September 13, 2024


• 18 cups – all purpose flour
• 1 cup – white Butter
• 1 cup – Molasses
• 1.5 cups – Sugar
• 3 tsps – Yeast
• 1 cup – Raisins
• 1 tsp – Cloves
• 1 tsp – spice
• 1 tsp – salt


  1. Put 1 cup warm water into a bowl.
  2. Add 2 tsp sugar and 3 tsp yeast.
  3. Melt butter in pan, put flour, sugar, raisins, cloves, salt into large pan and mix well.
  4. Add butter, molasses and yeast mixture.
  5. Mix well with hands, adding enough water to make smooth dough, not sticky.
  6. Knead well.
  7. When dough rises about 2 inches over the pan, punch down.
  8. When dough rises again, grease 6 bread pans and put two buns in a pan.
  9. When it rises 2 or 3 inches over the pan, put into oven to bake for about 1.5 hours over 250 degrees.

Recipe courtesy of Bramaramba Chandrashekar