Halwai September 14, 2024


• 1- recipe batter for basic eggless sponge cake
• 250 g – strawberries, cleaned, sliced
• 4 slices – canned Pineapple
• 1 cup – whipped Cream or topping (chilled and sweetened)
• 1 tbsp – Brown sugar
• 1/2 – flan tin


  1. Sprinkle some powdered sugar over strawberries. Keep aside for 15 minutes.
  2. Press out liquid from half the soaked strawberries.
  3. Press out excess liquid from 2 slices of pineapple.
  4. Crush both separately and roughly in a mixie.
  5. Fold into half the whipped topping or cream.
  6. Chill till required.
  7. Drain liquid from both remaining fruit, keep aside till required.
  8. Grease and line flan tin, with double greased butter paper.
  9. Arrange slices of strawberries, pieces of pineapple on base.
  10. Pour some of the liquid over the fruit.
  11. Pour batter carefully into tin, so as not to disturb fruit.
  12. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 7-8 minutes.
  13. Reduce temperature to 160C, bake further for 25 minutes.
  14. Cool flan a little, carefully push bottom up, so as to slice base out.
  15. When sufficiently cooled, slice half horizontally, not disturbing the base.
  16. Put the top half, cut side up, in a cake plate and cool well.
  17. Sprinkle half remaining fruit liquid over cake.
  18. Spread prepared cream on cake evenly.
  19. Invert other half so baked slices of fruit come on top.
  20. Sprinkle leftover liquid all over cake.
  21. Ice swirls of leftover fresh cream topping (without fruit) on top.
  22. Serve slices with high tea or any time for the summer season.

Recipe courtesy of Saroj Kering