Halwai May 21, 2024


• 1 tin – Creamed Corn
• 350 ml – Strong Chicken stock
• 15 gms – Cornflour
• 15 gms – Celery
• 1 flake – Garlic
• 1 small piece – Ginger
• 1 tsp – Fat
• 55 gms – Chicken diced (cooked)
• 2 – eggs
• Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Chop celery, garlic and ginger fine.
  2. Saute in fat. Add stock and cook for about half an hour.
  3. Add salt and pepper. Beat contents of can well.
  4. Add strained stock, blended well with cornflour.
  5. Beat egg slightly.
  6. Pour over boiling corn soup and stir with a fork till set.
  7. Serve piping hot, with soya sauce and chillies in vinegar.