Halwai May 25, 2024


• 6 – Chicken legs
• 200g – Curd
• red colour, a pinch
• 1 tsp – Ginger Garlic paste
• 1 tsp – Red Chilli powder
• 1 tsp – Garam Masala
• 1 tsp – Chicken masala powder
• salt to taste
• 1 tsp – Lemon juice


  1. Mix all the above ingredients well and marinate in refrigerator for at least 6-10 hours.
  2. Heat a non-stick pan and add the chicken pieces along with the masala and cook, covered.
  3. Stir the masala frequently till it becomes golden brown and coats the chicken pieces.
  4. Now string the leg pieces on to skewers or a thin iron rod.
  5. Light a gas burner and roast chicken pieces over high flame till it is well roasted with black dots over it.
  6. Apply a few drops of lemon juice and butter over the chicken. Serve hot with slices of onion and lemon.

Recipe courtesy of Kiruthiga Keerthi