Halwai July 9, 2023


• For base:
• 300 g – digestive biscuits
• 1/2 cup – Sugar
• 50 g – Butter
• For Cream cheese:
• 1.5 liters – Milk (full fat)
• 1.25 tsp – citric acid crystals dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water
• For cheese cake:
• 300 g – Cream cheese
• 200 g – condensed Milk
• 100 g – fresh Cream
• 1 packet – gelatin or 4 tsp gelatin mixed in 5 tsp of water
• 5 to 6 – kiwis
• 2 drops – kiwi essence
• 2 tbsp – powdered Sugar


  1. Crush the biscuits evenly into crumbs.
  2. Add sugar and mix well.
  3. Melt the butter, and fold it into the biscuit mixture.
  4. In a pie dish (8 inches approximately) line the base and sides with the biscuit mixture evenly.
  5. Press firmly. Bake in an oven at 250 degree Fahrenheit for about15 to 20 mins.
  6. Cool.
  7. Boil the milk.
  8. Add the citric acid (dissolved in water) and mix well, until the milk curdles.
  9. Strain this mixture in a fine muslin cloth.
  10. Blend the cream cheese till smooth and creamy.
  11. Gradually fold in the fresh cream into the condensed milk and blend.
  12. Heat the dissolved gelatine till transparent.
  13. Cool it. Strain through a fine sieve.
  14. Fold into the cheese mixture.
  15. Peel the kiwis and make thin slices.
  16. To arrange the cheese cake:
  17. Take the chilled biscuit lined dish.
  18. Arrange the slices of kiwis evenly on the biscuit layer.
  19. Sprinkle some powdered sugar and kiwi essence.
  20. Pour the cheese cake mixture over this evenly.
  21. Arrange the remaining slices of kiwi.
  22. Chill for 2 to 3 hours and serve.

Recipe courtesy of Anita Raheja