Halwai November 21, 2022


• 3 cups – whole-wheat flour
• 3 tbsp – Ghee or Butter
• 10 – Cardamom pods, seeded
• 1/4 cup – Sugar
• 1 cup – water
• Ghee to shallow fry


  1. Crush cardamom seeds coarsely. Sieve flour into a large plate.
  2. Make a well in the centre.
  3. Boil together ghee, water, sugar, cardamom seeds.
  4. Simmer for a minute, or till sugar dissolves completely.
  5. Cool to lukewarm.
  6. Pour into well of dough.
  7. Mix into a semi-stiff, pliable dough.
  8. Knead for 3-4 mins, till dough is smooth.
  9. Cover with a moist cloth, keep aside for 30 mins.
  10. Divide dough in 4 parts.
  11. Take one part, make a smooth ball, roll into a thick round.
  12. Make small incisions by poking with a fork or knifepoint, all over.
  13. Apply a little oil on board, to assist rolling.
  14. Heat a griddle, put roti on it.
  15. Dry roast both side till tiny brown spots appear.
  16. Reduce flame, drizzle a tsp of ghee on one side.
  17. Fry till golden spots are formed, pressing with a spatula, to aid cooking.
  18. Repeat for other side.
  19. Repeat till roti is crisp and golden.
  20. Repeat for remaining dough.
  21. Serve hot with any of the gravy dishes.

Recipe courtesy of Saroj Kering