Halwai August 20, 2023


• 1 cup – all purpose flour
• 1 tsp – baking powder
• 1/4 tsp – baking soda
• 2 tbsp – cocoa powder
• 1/4 cup – Sugar
• 1/2 tsp – vanilla extract
• 1/4 cup – chopped Almonds
• 1/4 cup – oil
• A pinch of salt
• Water as required


  1. Sieve the all purpose flour, baking powder and baking soda in a big bowl.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well and knead to a soft dough.
  3. Roll it out into a big sheet with approximately 1/2 inch thickness.
  4. Cut them into pieces using a cookie cutter.
  5. Line a baking tray with a parchment paper and arrange these cookies on it.
  6. Bake them in pre-heated oven on 180 degrees C for nearly 20 minutes.
  7. Recipe Courtesy: My Own Food Court

Recipe courtesy of Shruthi