Halwai August 27, 2022


• 6 – hard-boiled eggs
• 1 tbsp – grated cheese
• 1 tsp – pepper powder
• 2 tsp – Coriander leaves
• 2 – green chilli, chopped finely
• 1 cup – dry bread crumbs
• 1 – Egg beaten
• 3 tbsp – flour
• 1/2 cup – Milk
• 5 tsp – oil | 1/4 tsp – Nutmeg
• Salt to taste.


  1. Chop the boiled eggs finely.
  2. Melt the butter in a pan and gently fry the flour for a few minutes.
  3. Slowly add the milk and nutmeg powder and cook on low heat till it thickens.
  4. Remove from heat and mix in the boiled eggs, cheese, salt, pepper, green chillies and coriander leaves.
  5. Set aside to cool.
  6. When cold, shape into kebabs, dip in beaten egg and roll in breadcrumbs.
  7. Shallow fry in hot oil till golden brown.
  8. Serve with tomato sauce and onion rings.
  9. Recipe Courtesy: Anglo-Indian Recipes

Recipe courtesy of Bridget White